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Reaching all communities.

We believe learning is for everyone. Our platform has helped students in isolated communities, prisons, and students outside of a mainstream school environment. Dr Frost received the Global Teacher Prize Covid Hero Award 2020 for his role supporting schools during Covid lockdowns. Funding helps us reach these communities and provide content in native languages.

Learning tailored to global curriculums.

Sometimes one size doesn't fit all. In addition to our own questions, we work with exam boards internationally to provide more targeted support to students. Greater funding means greater provision.

Development of new features.

We not only help students discover and learn new content, but provide a rich set of tools for schools. We're constantly striving to innovate, with research into AI to providing tailored learning plans for students based on their activity.

"Without the website we would be failing maths. Since we found it maths has become a lot more enjoyable and we understand it more. You are a great inspiration and we would love to meet you."
From Year 9 Set 4

Expanding our content offering.

We wish to expand our supported age range, with greater content for early learning students, but also expanding into other subjects.

Wish to discuss a larger donation?

[email protected]

Donors (£250,000+)

Donors (£10,000+)

Donors (£1,000+)

In-Kind Support